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■ 00/07/14
1.Misdelivery mail
Fucked up. I tried to write very imporatant thing, but I guess I wasn't ready. I wrote a few lines and I felt that was not the right wasy to say and deleted those shit so many times. だから、こんな風に英語で書き出して妥協することにした。書き出しちまえばなんとかなる。

Shit, I wasn't right. I still can't write it.
I should write maybe some other time.

I went swimming today.
What else do I need to write?

Shit, today is not a day to write. I got so many things I want to write, but I can't concentrate on my thought very well. I'm gonna go nuts.

I heard that the old lady who used to come to my house to have a chat with my mother just died. Another sign, isn't it? I better start something to open up the door for the bright future, or just desperate fool end of the rope kind of reputation to keep. It's getting late, and I have to jark off now.

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