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It's only six hours away from the next century. What am I doing? Here, in front of PC, writing this bubbles.
So this is a reality. You've gotta live with it, wheather you like it or not. There is no way out. We are all stuck on the same place. "The bottom of nowhere."
I've been thinking about my death a lot lately. It's not that I want to kill myself or anything. But I don't mind take a chance when I got one. Like, when I'm driving and there's this dump truck coming towards me, the driver is drunk and asleep, if I don't hit the break, I'm sure I'm gonna die. What would I do on the moment like that? I would crush into it with a smile. I don't think the death is a way out of this pittiful life, but if somebody or god gives me the oppotunity, I would never miss the chance. Well, let's just face it. The "Miracle" and the "Death". Which is more likely to happen to my life? You got the answer.
大学4年の時に実力が認められ、98年度のストラモル賞のStudio Art部門を受賞することができた。副賞の500ドルはもちろん嬉しかったが、一番嬉しかったのは、こんな俺でも認めてくれる人のあるのが本当に嬉しかった。学べる事はすべて学び、3カ国語を身につけ、やればできるんだという自信と共に卒業した後、俺にはロサンゼルスで惨めな半ホームレスの生活が待っていた。期間的には短いものだったし、その生活自体はどうって事はない。逆境に燃えるおめでたいタイプだったし、金のないのもいまさらだった。ただ、信じていたものが一つ一つ壊れていき、希望を完全に失ってからは、夢さえも時として重荷となり、優秀であれば利用され、価値がなくなれば捨てられるだけなのが分かってきたあたりから、自分の感情は次第に現実から干渉されなくなってきた。急激な勢いで文章を書くことにのめり込んでいったのもこの頃だ。
There are so many kinds of life in this world. If there is one hundred people, there are one hundred different life because no life is 100% identical. Even the life of the twin is different. But somehow, they all ends up the same. "Death". How they die is different, of course, but the death itself is coming for every body with absolutely no exception.
So, what can we do about it? I'm looking forward to die. Who knows? I might die even today.
I used to fear the death. I didn't wanna die before I acturally do something in this world. You know, leave a foot step, the wake, the truck what ever. Now I believe I did enough. Well, it's never be enough, but if I have to make more things, the work is going to be contaminated. You know, how bad the commercial art could be? I'm making "The Manifesto". It contains thousands pages of my writing and works. This web site is a part of it.

なんて、わけのわからない事を2カ国語で綴ってみたけど、なんか意味あるのだろうか?The next century is coming. Que estoy haciendo? 下書きなしで、一気に書こうとしたら、一カ国語にまとまらなかった。自分の心や記憶の込み入った部分を表現しようとするといつもこんなcaoticな文章になってしまう。ま、これはこれでいいか。

A Happy New Millenium, y'all!!

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